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Europa Saal | © Helge Kirchberger Photography

The Salzburg Congress team

At Salzburg Congress we all believe that enthusiasm triggers positive customer reactions. Professionalism, flexibility, a wealth of experience and extreme dedication are not merely parts of an abstract corporate philosophy; at Salzburg Congress they are what we deliver every day. Customer relations, as well productive cooperation with associated service providers, depend on mutual respect.


Our simple organisational structures have many advantages. Marketing, sales, technology, services and organisation are all coordinated at a single point, so everyone knows what everyone else is doing. Clients have been amazed how efficiently bureaucratic hurdles can be overcome. Rather than having too move a huge organisation, we are flexible and pay close attention to our clients.

We look forward to meeting you!


Beate Kassner

General Manager
T +43 662 88987 200
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Michaela Ventimiglia

Assistent to General Manager
+43 662 88987 200
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Martina C. Trummer

Corporate Communications
+43 662 88987-325
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Head of Congress

Sales & Marketing / Requests

Barbara Schwaiger

Head of Sales & Marketing
+43 662 88987 611
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Alexandra Meixner

Sales & Marketing Manager
+43 662 88987 614
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Congress & Event

Silvio Wolf

Congress & Event Manager
+43 662 88987 613
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Edwin Frisco

Congress & Event Manager
+43 662 88987 620
Mobil +43 664 80907 620
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Lukas Moralis

Congress & Event Manager
+43 662 88987 612
Mobil +43 664 80907 612
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Martina Arnhof

Congress & Event Manager
+43 662 88987 615
Mobil +43 664 80907 615
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Congress Services

Heidrun Angermüller

Congress Services Manager
+43 662 88987 605
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Lars Meyer-Brandt

Congress Services Manager
+43 662 88987 603
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Kati Reinel

Congress Services Manager
+43 662 88987 604
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Facility Management

Manfred Mühlbacher

Facility Manager
+43 664 80907 627
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Karl Zauner

Deputy Facility Manager
+43 664 80907 628
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Nebojsa Miladic


Renato Vanzini


Aron Stögner


Andrea Steiglechner


Christian Vetter


Thomas Rozgonyi


Marina Novitskaya

Technician Trainee

IT Management

Günter Breitegger

IT Manager
+43 664 80907 431
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Room Supervisors

Peter Resinger

Room Supervisor

Zlatan Bocko

Room Supervisor

Markus Krainbucher

Room Supervisor

Severin Ringl

Room Supervisor


Diana Wolf

Cleaning staff

Franny Munoz de Höfinger

Cleaning staff

Flurie Millaku

Cleaning staff

Ivan Dimitrov

Cleaning staff

Mohamed Tinka

Cleaning staff


Ursula Graggaber

+43 662 88987 403
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Manfred Krennwallner

+43 662 88987 402
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