Mirabell, Restaurant
In a central, peaceful location right next to beautiful Mirabell Gardens and just a few minutes from the most important Salzburg sightseeing attractions.
In a central, peaceful location right next to beautiful Mirabell Gardens and just a few minutes from the most important Salzburg sightseeing attractions.
Breakfast: daily: 6:30 am-10:30 am
Daily 6 pm-9:30 pm à-la-carte (except Friday, only Frid*Ex)
Every friday: Frid*Ex 6 pm-9:30 pm (no à-la-carte)
Every Saturday: Hat-dinner 6 pm-9:30 pm (only with prior reservation)
Every Sunday: Lunch noon-2:30 pm
Festival season:
Daily before and after performances (Please check the restaurant website for current opening hours.)